Discover answers to your queries about SimplyNode's proxy services on our comprehensive FAQs. From setup instructions to troubleshooting common issues, find the information you need to maximise the benefits of our reliable proxy solutions.

Do you have any blocked sites?
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Some website has been blocked by our Firewall to stop the use of proxies for illegal or fraudulent activities. To safeguard both our clients and our IP address pool, SimplyNode imposes limitations on accessing financial services, government domains, and specific news platforms.

Can I pay with Crypto?
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Yes, Crypto payments is available on our platform. To use Crypto payment users are obligated to pass KYC identity verification procedure

What Payment methods available?
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We support Cards, Apple Pay, Crypto payments, and direct bank transfers by additional request. If you need additional payment method, please contact us via support@simplynode.io

How does proxy authentication work?
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You can access our residential and mobile proxies via two different types of authentication: username:password or whitelisted IP.

Do you support SOCKS protocols?
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Yes, we do! Our residential proxies and  mobile proxies fully support the SOCKS5 protocol. Also, our proxies support HTTP(s) protocol.

Can I test your proxies?
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By default we don't provide free trials, you can simply buy the smallest 1Gb of traffic without expiration date and process all necessary test, or please contact us via support@simplynode.io provide your use case details and your testing needs traffic amount and we will review your request.

Which ports do I need to use?
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In the dashboard, you have the flexibility to select the proxy address and port based on your preferred location and session type. Simply add the port number and proxy address provided to establish a connection with the proxy server.

Will I get a dedicated IP list?
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Unfortunately, currently we only providing rotating residential and mobile proxies. So, dedicated IP list is not available.

Do you have an API?
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No, we don't have a public API yet.

What is your refund policy?
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You may be eligible for a refund if you meet the following conditions:
1. You have bought the product via our self-service;
2. Your payment was not made with cryptocurrency;
3. You requested the refund within 14 days of the original purchase date;
4. You have not used more than 20% of your purchased data traffic or 1 GB, whichever is reached first.

Still have questions?

Feel free to contact us in a comfortable way for you.

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